As well as being interested in Brighton cuisine and the data you can gather about it, I'm also interested in the idea of the communities that surround reviewing websites.
One thing I find particularly interesting is how, on Tripadvisor for example, you can see all the information about reviewers if you click to be taken to their full profile. This information includes things such as their name, any photos they've put up, whether they have any mutual friends with you on Facebook (if you're logged in) as well as all of the different places they've reviewed.
This seems a little stalkerish to me as it allows you to literally map someones journey around the world/the country, and their reviews often contain personal bits of information about the person and their friends.
I thought it would be interesting to pick a reviewer on Tripadvisor and map out the journey they have travelled using their reviews. I chose a particularly active Tripadvisor user so that there'd be a lot to map.
Maps on their profile page show all of the different places they've visited and reviewed in the world...
Using a site called 'Free Map Tools' I made my own map showing all of the locations in London that this user reviewed on Tripadvisor.
I've connected them all in order of the dates visited.
Unfortunately there was no way to embed the map so instead I've taken screenshots of it...
As you can see it's quite a fiddly, back and forth journey! The user has visited and reviewed quite a few different places in London, some more than once.
The starting point was The Cinnamon Club, which was actually visited twice, once in January of 2012 and then again in July 2013.
The ending point of this user's travels in London is at the Caxton Grill, the middle point on the map below.
Apparently the total distance travelled is 25.663 miles.
The mapping tool also estimates travel times based on the distance traveled and the method of transportation.
I wanted to see how long it would take to walk/jog the distance compared to driving...
I also mapped all of the places visited in London on a map using Google Fusion Tables.
Information I included for each point is the address, date visited and user rating; this will come up when a point is clicked on for more information.
I have now also added the user's reviews of each place as well; some of them are quite amusing and insightful into the user's life, giving away lots of personal details.
I find it pretty creepy that I'm able to do all of this for a user! I wonder if reviewers on Tripadvisor are fully aware that all of this information about them is available for anyone to see.